Naked Polly – A day in a night

Naked Polly – A day in a night

Naked Polly

“A day in a night”

No-Source is excited to welcome Naked Polly to the roster. Naked Polly is the solo project of Oscar Granero from Madrid. His music focuses around acoustic guitar, piano, and voice, manifesting into some great mellow psych-folk. “A day in a night” is Naked Polly’s first full-length album. The songs are a-wash with reverb, sprouting flourishes of synths and wind instruments throughout. Percussion work is minimal or non-existent. This great use of minimalism really creates many great moments of an indie chamber pop sound. Oscar sights David Bowie, John Lennon, and Syd Barret as some as his influence. They definitely show through from time to time. It’s still a unique and refreshing album even with these popular influences. Enjoy a day in a night.
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