Rinus Van Alebeek – Return

Rinus Van Alebeek – Return

Rinus Van Alebeek


Though I had images of a portual town as Graham Greene visited on his travels, I doubted very much if ‘Port Saïd’ would have been the right title.
I also thought of ‘Cargo.’ I am surprised by the calmness of the piece, and a feeling of warm summer days. At some points it feels like walking through narrow winding streets.

Some of the tapes I used in this radio performance contained snippets of conversations, meetings, evenings with friends, all bringing back memories that lay dormant on one of the shelves of my subconsciousness. It was a pleasure to go there again.

‘Return’ was first played 18. january 2012 on the radio show ‘A Maïzing Session With…’ hosted by Anton Mobin in his apartment in Paris.

I used various cassette players and dictaphones, an effect pedal and a small box full of tapes.

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