VA – 4 Years, 101 Songs and 1 Story

VA – 4 Years, 101 Songs and 1 Story


“4 Years, 101 Songs and 1 Story”

We, the people who make Rawmatroid team, are happy to write these lines after 4 years, feeling the same love, the same pride and equal respect for what we do that we felt the very first day, and keeping the same desire to share all our work with others.

After all this time we thought about doing a small review of the musical history of the netlabel. For this reason, in our now 4 th anniversary of Rawmatroid Netlabel, we have had the selection criteria and musical reinterpretation of Kebiin along with the subjective view of the lens of Javier Alvedro, to be the two of them who write this chapter and tell as a little story about the history of Rawmatroid as mix.

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