Marta Zapparoli – Codex

Marta Zapparoli – Codex

Marta Zapparoli


I always draw my inspiration from the narratives and metaphors of a variety of impacts from different locations and situations.

These are often quite unique experiences within a certain period of time, landscape or corner of society.

Last year during several trips, I did many different recordings in East Europa. During my research on land, I found special places with particular energies. For example : unpredictable movements, defective technology, misplaced animals, dis-punctuality, unforeseen natural sound effects or other cataclysms of nature and unforeseen cataclysms in Humans.

The idea of this release is a deep construction, cut up, manipulation and deconstruction on many layer of these recordings, decontextualized from their origin, creating an absurd and surreal landscape in codex.

The technical part is done with field recordings on tape-recorders mixed, converted on digital software for mastering.

Marta Zapparoli aka Penelopex :
sound artist, performer, musician, studied fine arts and the soproano saxophone. In Bologna/Italy being involved in a series of experimental radio shows, multmedia performances,sound installations and various dance companies and aswell experimental multimedia theater events.

She now lives in Berlin where she is part of the Splitter Orchester Berlin, collaborating on sound installations with Martin Kuentz and a duo project with Alessandra Eramo next to her ongoing solo project.

The last decade she creates strong narrative sonic pieces using a open variety of recording techniques and custom analog tools as well as found instruments and objects.

Her sonic explorations bridging together the sensual quality of field recordings and versatile processing of live electronics. Within environmental phenomena, acoustic ecology, noise pollution, focusing on sonic narratives & human emotions through decomposition and real-time tape manipulation, sounds that are considered non-musical or overheard.

She Releasesd several albums on Umbrella Noise records, Idiosyncratics records, Nohmad records and Zeromoon records. She was also extensively featured WDR3 open studio elektronische musik, and a variety of experimental radio broadcasts.

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