Thoughts – 600 Seconds

Thoughts – 600 Seconds


“600 Seconds”

Carefully sculpted sounds, wandering rhythms and experimentations pushing the boundaries of sonic sculpture and textural compositions yet still remaining remarkably accessible.

Thoughts is a collaborative sound project of Laetitia Schteinberg and Roberto Lazzarino.

Laetitia has produced solo work as Ars Sonor and side project iky iky. She is deeply involved in the sculpting of new sounds via modern vst technologies, from scratch or using different sound sources, and creation of “evolving” textures of either electronic or electroacoustic nature.

Roberto Lazzarino started playing a broken guitar in 1973 and lends his particular emotive and eclectic collection of various instrumentations to the evolving soundscapes of Thoughts.

“With each track comes a new state of being. Washes of ambient, neo-classic folk & ethno-funk break the shores of electronica by Thoughts – Laetitia Schteinberg (Ars Sonor) and Roberto Lazzarino. Instrumental organics woven with contemplative atmospheres taut with curiosity and electronic tension.” (Phil Ford)

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