neuma – Volviendo a casa

neuma – Volviendo a casa


“Volviendo a casa”

A perfect title for [neuma]´s return to SERIES media squad. In his best shape ever, he offers us songs that move between hip-hop and landscape electronica. Regarding the hip-hop exercise, there is no doubt that ‘224 (falsa alarma)’ is one of the year’s song of the genre, where along with the MC’s Medina and Vito (Bellavista Social Club) they create a fine and emotive piece, perfect for Boom Boxes en español.
In the instru(mental) hip-hop department,’229 (pullovers y encajes)’ offers sexy and cadentious grooves that inhabit your brain for a long time. The ‘Versa 01, 02, 03’ series drop us into that [neuma] ocean where everything is a bit slower, pale but immensely beautiful.
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