Alexei Borisov, Olga Nosova, Eren Ileri, Aras L. Seyhan – Art Der Anwendung

Alexei Borisov, Olga Nosova, Eren Ileri, Aras L. Seyhan – Art Der Anwendung

Alexei Borisov, Olga Nosova, Eren Ileri, Aras L. Seyhan

“Art Der Anwendung”

Alexei Borisov and Olga Nosova, members of undisputedly powerful and amazing duo ASTMA, collaborated with Aras Seyhan and Eren Ileri, musicians and artists who currently reside in Austria. The result of their joint musical effort is here – soothing, enchanting sound collection, combining blossoming and tangled melodies, shattering noises and snatches of unspoken, inconceivable stories and words to eject you out of familiar and preserved sonic environment and urging you to explore what’s out there, beyond the realm of convenient sounds and melodies. A diverse and versatile sonic assembly, Art Der Anwendung guides you through very different settings and moods, from wild and brutal noisy electronics to abstract ambient, blissful wall-of-sound extravaganza and rhythmically repressed proto-techno. For those who seek diversity and true liberation in music!