Cum Moenia – Dal Numero alla Forma

Cum Moenia – Dal Numero alla Forma

Cum Moenia

“Dal Numero alla Forma”

The Cum Moenia, a post-rock band formed in April 2011, cultivate a passion for music in different ways: the approach and the purpose, creating its own reality and its own form. Among other experiences more ‘or less concrete, each member of the band found the right identity and the right direction to figure out which is the very favorite music. Since January 2012, the band has performed in many concerts and contests receiving a favorable response from the public. First self-produced EP is the result of a commitment and a sound research that does not stop the simple labeling of “post-rock band “, but hatchin instead an extraordinary and explicity expressive power where a veiled presence of electronic lives a polite syncretism with signs of progressive that make precious the entire musical project. “Cum moenia” where “Moenia” means “wall”, a wall in common. “Communis” means “to be with”, to create a contact. A gift to share just for create a contact without wall too high. Music really need to join in creating a small emotional barrier where inside move ideas and common intentions. It ‘s very easy to confuse the real essence of music as art, to enhance it needs respect and value-humility and “audacity” to bring in the best way that’ where and therefore believes that ‘you do’…in them and in many other cases it is the music, the only way out or only route of entry.
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