The Wyrding Module – Mellifluous Ichor From Sunless Regions

The Wyrding Module – Mellifluous Ichor From Sunless Regions

The Wyrding Module

“Mellifluous Ichor From Sunless Regions”

Mellifluous Ichor From Sunless Regions
by The Wyrding Module.

One hour of sono-thaumaturgical experiments divided in 4 Chapters, seamlessly executed by Salford based paramusician Christopher Gladwin, also known for being half of the legendary electronic duo Team Doyobi: over 15 years of incredible tunes on labels like Skam, ∆Icasea, Tigerbeat6 and Fat Cat.

Once you have downloaded this album you can’t go back: The Wyrding Module will trap you into his world where everything you know is now questioned.
Modern and Classic, Eastern and Western, Spiritual and Heretic will be no opposites.

Melliflous Ichor From Sunless Regions, a mantra-shaped lysergic trip into the unknown.

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