TRITON – open field 2#

TRITON – open field 2#


“open field 2#”

Third album with ambient and the noise sounds, made with open source softs like audacity and Pure Dated, unpublished works of older productions. Polymorphic and complex, this often dark universe declines in two big movements. Aquatic TritoNn calms down comes the MutaNn fire power and apocalyptic seeings, according to albums. Mathieu Bec, ex punk drummer, having had the opportunity to share two festivals of innovative music, “Premiers baisers” in Vigan ( Gard) and FMIT to Teyran ( Hérault) in France felt finally ready to participate in projects of bigger scale as “Project Fukushima” big tribute to the victims of the nuclear disaster. “Meanwhile, in Fukushima …” is a sound collaborative project led in Fukushima. With the support and partnership of INA GRM (French national institute of audio visual – Research Music Group) and France Musique (French national public music radio), the journal Droits de Cité, creative radio webSYNradio, Radio Campus Bruxelles, Radio Sonic (festival City Sonic, Bruxelles) and multimedia laboratory APO33. Shortly after the disaster of Fukushima Daishi, a Japanese artist group has gathered around the figure of Otomo Yoshihide. A project is born early, Fukushima Project!, a call for creation that has led to a festival, located in Fukushima, and a series of events around the world (London, New York, Bangkok, Seoul, Singapore , Paris …). I was honored to work in conjunction with Otomo Yoshihide and John Zorn’s to one of these events at The Stone, New York. On August 15, 2011, WebSYNradio, Internet radio that I created and manage, has broadcast live from The Stone bringing a tray of world-renowned musicians. Following this festival, webSYNradio wished to remain available to the project Fukushima! and continue to «act» with a new project for 2012: «Meanwhile, in Fukushima …»

(Dominique Balay)

MutaNn is working on a brand new project with Nour a woman who plays Oud traditionnal instrument.

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