Enrique Tomás – Sense of place

Enrique Tomás – Sense of place

Enrique Tomás

“Sense of place”

Seyðisfjörður (Iceland) is the northest latitude where I have ever been on Earth (October 2012). A permanent drone of blue noise covers everything at every moment due to hundreds torrents conducting water from glaciers to the sea. The always changing weather destroys whatever humans try to build there, converting old fishing industries into oxidated landscapes. Underwater field recordings, sound improvisations with found objects and Icelandic language conformed the sonic architecture of the work, articulated into a number of proposed scenes where listeners will be self-located through their aural imagination.

Der Hirsch des Wahnsinns is one of the verses of "Al Infierno" ("To Hell") by the Spanish poet Leopoldo María Panero. This poem and some others by Rainer María Rilke, Rafael Alberti and John Milton were used at a soundwalk commissioned in 2010 for the gardens surrounding a famous statue of the Fallen Angel in Madrid. Updating some of those sound materials (in binaural format) with some new others (in ambisonic format) I propose you the listening of an acousmatic composition inspired by the Fallen Angels, understanding them as those who, though created as good beings, freely chose the wrong way..

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