TÜNEL – Live @ Yono

TÜNEL – Live @ Yono


“Live @ Yono”

The Live TÜNEL @ YONO is part of the Tünel Radio Active Tour started in June 2012, in order to celebrate and promote the Nostress Netlabel release “Tapes Serie” and the H.A.K release “Rêveries paranoïaques”. The first gig was on A stranger Paradise net radio. Tünel perfomed with Joséphine Müller & Ian Linter. Few days later, Tünel was invited at the Amazing Studio by Anton Mobin (On KKWNE net radio). Then TÜNEL decided to play in a Gay Bar: The YONO. This live was performing with a video specially committed by TÜNEL. Horror Cine Snuff Gore Concert was the name of this experimentation. Some kind of sonic trip with unbearable pictures.
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