Leedian – portrait

Leedian – portrait



■ EPV_121

■ bonus item
wallpaper for iPhone5 (lock & home screen) & PDF BOOK

all tracks & artwork & visual by Leedin

■ Leedin
Coming from Toon, a small Japanese town which belongs to the Ehime province, Hitoshi Asaumi delivers very unexpected sounds when compared to contemporary beat culture. Leedian disguise has been around for two years now and listening through his work one can find it difficult to categorize his music. From extreme noise, he switches fast to melodic pop backed by organic beat, then quickly back to the extreme noise .
There is an inevitable innocence deriving from his tracks, mainly with regards to their length. His music feels like an “arranged marriage” of the punk approach to composition with experimental electronic sounds. The result is rewarding and raw sounding. Jazz and electronic influences melting together in a chaotic doom-sounding noise. 
(Byron Chris)


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