Telegraphy – Kurz-above (liveset)

Telegraphy – Kurz-above (liveset)


“Kurz-above (liveset)”

A live impromptu live set from Ionosonde Recordings resident artist – Telegraphy. Using tracks from his latest album Kurz-above , Telegraphy creates different pallets of sound through heavily processed dubbly delays. The textural differences from “Kurz-above [iono-12] can be apparent in this extended track which begins as if you were in the deepest part of the ocean where everything has a fluidity quality about it. Slowly you and the company of an octopus, rises toward the surface of the water as the track progresses.
As recorded live at Ionosonde studios on March 15, 2013. All tracks were produced by Richard Sudney (Telegraphy) 2013.
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