KARST & VINCENT BARRAS – Corpusculairmetrique

KARST & VINCENT BARRAS – Corpusculairmetrique



Abstral Compost: voix & texte
Cyril Bondi: percussions, objets
d’incise: percussions, objets, feedbacks
Luc Müller: Percussions, objets, micro contact
Vincent Barras: Voix & texte (Face A)Karst brings together three musicians/percussionists/improvisors, playing in a fusional, abstract, eletroacoustic way, and voice/text/word/sound. This LP, third publication of the ensemble, grows around the theme/word “corps” (body). On the first side, the Abstral Compost’s random text is put in regard of the improvised speech by Vincent Barras (facinatinf character, speaker, medecin historian, sound poet, Cage’s translater, sound anthropogist, etc).
Karst present as well in 2012 a sound theatre play, “Besoin modeste assiette plate”, around Samuel Ernest Daibe’s outsider writings.
Cyril Bondi and d’incise team together since years, mainly with their duo Diatribes. Luc Müller is involved in the Lausanne based collective Rue du Nord. Abstral Compost oscillats between sound poetry and wild rap with the Labrats Bugband.

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