Kayaka – Silence Walk

Kayaka – Silence Walk


“Silence Walk”

KAYAKA is an experimental/ noise/ electronica composer, live performer, born in Tokyo, based in Europe (London, Berlin). She plays electronic and acoustic (bass clarinet, drums, bass guitar, gadgets …etc.) and has a unique, self-taught style of recording and composing. Her music is sometimes called “sonic surrealism”, mixed with those living-life-noise. Live sets are mostly improvised and different each time and she also collaborates with many artists from all around the world. She is a curator of an independent label, Pighole Records since 2007, where she exposes some of her releases and others’ experimental music containing some daily things freely holding onto strong and individual concepts.

This album was made in Ecuador in 2013. As I camped and walked through Amazon jungle with little belongings and thought of being away from human territory. Routine sound there was completely different from those which I was used to hear in my city life. You might need more of your concentration, but you are able to create anything you like in the field of wildness.

Track 6 “colibri” consists of recording I made in Mindo, Ecuador. It is a sound of humming birds. Quite many of them passing and stopping by a recorder I placed next to feeders. – They are known as hummingbirds because of the humming sound created by their beating wings, which sometimes sounds like bees or other insects. A group of hummingbirds is called a “choir.”- Indeed, powerful vibration sound they have considering their tiny bodies.

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