Die Leere im Kern Deiner Hoffnung – Zeit ist eine Illusion

Die Leere im Kern Deiner Hoffnung – Zeit ist eine Illusion
[wuerfel 14]

Die Leere im Kern Deiner Hoffnung

“Zeit ist eine Illusion”

A huge guy with heavy glasses and a drop tuned electric guitar, a woman 10 feet tall, computer beats and synth basses. Post industrial beats, stoner bass loops, metal riffs and german lyrics. Guitars cannot be to loud, drum patterns never to stoical, bass licks never to dark, lyrics never to sealed.

„Their songs are precise, concise in the best sense, and in use of the sometimes minimalistic means highly effective. And damn powerful. Even if their message is disenchanting, their sound gives pleasure“ (Felix Klopotek, Stadtrevue Cologne magazine 4/2013)

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