Adduce – ADD+

Adduce – ADD+



With the first bars the journey begins and the discreet sound approaches the razor’s edge. The cut is surgical and manages to draw a clean line in the epidermis. From there the strikes go bouncing from one hemisphere to another.

Adduce are not two disassociated brains, but four functioning as a trio. The equilateral triangle between three hard drives with faces, eyes and beards. I have seen them live several times and always consider the difficulty of achieving this level of performance, so absorbed, not by the act of entering the required tempo or playing a certain note, but rather by the unfolding developments that create this conversation that you don’t ever want to end, and which in reality doesn’t ever end, because this inconclusive construction always remains ringing in eternal evolution.

Here is the path that gives meaning to the journey, not the destination, which in the case of Adduce may be many.

The form opens itself and shows us the tracks of a geometric and organic puzzle, sometimes disturbing and other times suggestive, but always an invitation to stroll along the ledge of the highest tower, from where only silhouettes distinguish themselves on the horizon, but which allows the widest panoramas.

ADD+ has no era nor time nor place: it floats in the weightless space of two brains, which I insist seem like four!

ADD+ is a gem that can help us to daydream or to imagine a new kind of retrofuturistic science fiction. The imagination of power!

Miguel Conejeros
Barcelona, november 2013.