Rete del disagio – Vino Balicio

Rete del disagio – Vino Balicio

Rete del disagio

“Vino Balicio”

Rete del Disagio

Vino Balicio [0kbps054]

01 – Quello che volevo sentire
02 – I king del burger king
03 – Post-punk post tutto
04 – Balice, il tuo furby ha problemi
05 – Quella roba che puzza di mangime per pesci
06 – Nessuno mi risponde a Milano a parte Teo
07 – Al binario
08 – Cipster, noccioline ed altro

gianpaolo fausto, marta blu, matteo donà, stefano balice, tommaso busatto: kazoo, bell, electronic, uneasiness guitar, mobile telephone, car, various percussion, chips and nuts
recorded live in turin and milan, 01-01-2014, 02-01-2014, 03-01-2014

Rete del disagio (the uneasiness network) is not a band, and has no stable line-up.
Rete del disagio was born when followers and supporters from different web communities as upupachan, vaporized art movement, deep lake records and mav [0kbps] records, start to physically meet to bring the noise from the net to the streets.

MAV [0kbps] Records, January 2013