Basciano – Le 7 perle di Belzebù

Basciano – Le 7 perle di Belzebù


“Le 7 perle di Belzebù”

The electroacoustic opera “Le 7 perle di Belzebù” by Fabrizio Basciano (Lamezia Terme, Italy) is divided into 7 movements preceded by a short overture for piano solo . The work is inspired from the book “I racconti di Belezebù a suo nipote” of the armenian philosopher and mystic George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff. About the work of Gurdjieff, Basciano selects 7 by more than 40 chapters and attempts to transpose a musical key philosophical and conceptual content of the same. The work is recorded at the studio Lante Records and is edited by the Associazione Culturale Lante Arte. With this work Basciano fully realized, for the first time, his musical ideal, a very well-balanced fusion between electronic nature and derivation of orchestral timbres. There are also a whole season the timbre of an ethnic nature, such as the sitar, lute, turkish, the native american flute and other instruments belonging to various cultures and music systems far. A long research for harmonic sense, with musical atmosphere as hot as ethereal, much sought after because, in fact, unique. Along with the search for harmony looming experiments on several other fronts, from the tone (which was mentioned above) to the rhythmic, from the linguistic to the inherent sound synthesis, the latter side on which the author of leads a long and painstaking. This opera was performed at Teatro Politeama di Lamezia Terme on June 3, 2013 and by request of the artist composer, now officially, released in Nostress Netlabel.