maoϴ – forked architecture

maoϴ – forked architecture


“forked architecture”

pan y rosas is beyond excited to release a series of albums that document the fifth cycle of articular facet. articular facet is a series of electro-acoustic compositions and structured improvisations. curated by julia miller, the series reflects the use of ancient, adapted, or hacked technology, invented instruments and performative objects, and the incorporation of the visual and physical into the sonic.

the fifth cycle took place over three sundays in october of 2013 and was a collaboration between pan y rosas and julia miller. the performances all took place at the empty bottle in chicago.

the first release in the series come from maoϴ.

maoϴ is a project of ryan ⊥ dunn. working with spoken, prerecorded and generated language, maoϴ investigates the abstraction of touch as an arbiter of meaning through the use of languages he may not speak. maoϴ performances involve the use of language processed using a self-built palate controller: an oral retainer-based device which allows control data to be produced based on the touch of the tongue against the roof of the mouth, notably during speech production.