Color Kings – Black Box

Color Kings – Black Box

Color Kings

“Black Box”

Sometimes you listen to the recording and think that it must be a big American band with a numerous team of producers and sound designers. And in many cases you are right because we are all familiar with some specific production peculiarities. But in some cases you are not. Our example today is a single by a Belarusian band «Color King». It’s called «Black Box».
They sound like a true British band and it’s not because of the engineer. Perhaps the key is the unique atmosphere of these songs.
When the openning track «Black Box» sounds like a polished garage rock, «Ghost of Love» seems to be a song written by a band like «Supergrass», which is more interesting. The perception may vary, however these guys create a cool British-like indie rock without that compulsive post-punk stuff.

Artwork By – Dima Vergun
Bass – Evgeny Michalik
Drum – Hleb Lapkovsky
Guitar – Dima Vergun, Harry Fingers
Vocals – Dima Vergun

Record in Studio 33
