Wings of an Angel – Our Forgotten Infinity And The Absolute Zero

Wings of an Angel – Our Forgotten Infinity And The Absolute Zero
[Self Release ]

Wings of an Angel

“Our Forgotten Infinity And The Absolute Zero”

Where does this life lead, is a question oft heard and explored by spiritually-inclined individuals, religious groups, old and new age cults, occult organizations and so forth. But, nobody, in the whole course of humanity’s conscious existence on this earth, has been able to bring forth a single-handed evidence. I have lived a substantial amount of years on this earth, to proclaim wholeheartedly that I have gotten tired of it all – that is listening to yet another “i-know-it-all” who will try convince me of his group’s eternal truths. If it was only a personal struggle – I’d call it quits since I am very stubborn and rigidly unconscionable, I quickly and effectively send these people and their groups straight to hell. But, what about the children, innocent children of pure heart and spirit, who are brainwashed into this whole nonsense from day one of their existence?
Every day I see and hear this happening, children brought up into the dark ways of archaic belief systems which encourage NOT freethinking and high-spirited exploration of the world around – but inject the seeds of their hardcore fundamentalist doctrines unto the soft minds of the newly born.
I feel as if with every technological advance, with every generational leap, we move backwards because on one hand there is a lot of progress, but the human psyche cannot adequately handle it all, and thus, people go backwards in masses, lock themselves up in their old ways and rigorous traditions. We are giving up on the potential of our conscious infinity, to the point where it has become forgotten to most people.
Also, on the other hand, there are tons and masses of people who irresponsibly explore the vast potential of the mind by using various psycho-altering substances, from ayahuasca to magic mushrooms. This sounds romantic, but there are 3 critical problems with this, I will try to address these here, and hope that perhaps i’ll shed light on this important topic for the benefit of those whom it may be of help:
a. most chemical substances found out there on the streets are not synthesized at some clinical lab by authorized and qualified scientists, they have no leaflets and may contain the devil knows what… There’s no inspection on these pills and they come as atypical on the black market, often not even stored correctly.
b. all psychedelic drugs are highly powerful substances because they fundamentally (and sometimes even irreversibly) alter the way our brain functions, thus they are very unexpected and are not tailor-made. even those of us who claim to know themselves very well – can never know what exactly to expect. anybody who says differently – is either a fool or a dangerously disillusioned individual.
If it’s so-called “NATURAL” – doesn’t mean we are to use it. The word Natural is not some kind of approval from “MOTHER/FATHER NATURE” to go wild like there’s no tomorrow. There are numerous ways to nurture and nourish one’s mind and spirit via less potentially hazardous methods.
c. last but perhaps for many it should be the first – is the question: why experiment with these substances in the first place? For what purpose? What do you miss in this conscious life that you choose to either escape or put yourself in potential danger?
I know you may say that life is generally dangerous and unexpected and even crossing a street or driving a car is a fatal hazard. This is a typical new-age answer. But it doesn’t address the fundamental question of why consciously put yourself and your psyche, which we know little about and usually have little control of, at a concrete and indubitable danger?
Also, adventurous men (and even more so) women many times tend to fall into the hands of charismatic and highly intelligent psychopaths who promote the use of these substances in order to “connect to their higher self”. These are lies made to quiet and turn off critical thinking… I would recommend watching such films as Hideous Kinky (1998) & Icaros (2014) to get an idea of what i’m referring to. Just please beware and guard yourself and your open-mindedness by turning down such temptations and settling on listening to people who are perhaps less colorful outwardly, but have a sense of mental and intellectual balance and stability, as well as bona fide humility and life experience borne from the deep roots of understanding how fragile this precious life and world are.
I don’t want to sound like an old ranting geezer, so I better stop for now and leave you pondering to the sounds of this new album.
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