Wings of an Angel – Who Is Incomprehensible?

Wings of an Angel – Who Is Incomprehensible?
[Self Release ]

Wings of an Angel

“Who Is Incomprehensible?”

Life swirls and twirls without an end to infinity, and so do we… There’s nothing stable and coherent, as much as we’d like to believe that divine lie. The best, perhaps most creative, example of this perception is the stupendous cinematic experience – Holy Motors (2012) which demonstrates exactly that – the infinitude of roles, masks and scripts we follow daily – who to a radical degree and who moderately and consciously. This album speaks of this and more so; it is a transitional passage for me, an omen of an old-new beginning – the transformation of my long-awaiting master-plan from abstract theory into practice. Meaning, creating my own brute universe of otherworldly classical music, which is loosely based on pseudo-coherent ideas of sound, rhythm, motion etc’. But at the same breath is second to none in its far-out bold vision of what an alternative universe of music could be.
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