Flow Diverter – Untitled EP [pn099]

Flow Diverter – Untitled EP [pn099]

Flow Diverter

“Untitled EP [pn099]”

“Uno, dos… One, two… the minimum count to begin to dance, not in a warm place illuminated by the sunshine of the European Mediterranean coast, the place where Carlos Vergara (This Co, Octopus Finger) conceived this debut EP from his alias “Flow Diverter” but for delving into those tight, underground, humid spaces… places where the darkness spreads dense frequencies, charged with electricity, and provocative martial rhythms.

In this “Untitled EP”, the two original compositions are accompanied by their respective remixes, produced by two emblems of Chilean electronica, Miguel Conejeros (aka F600) and Eduardo Yáñez (aka Gozne), who from their respective views and hearings, propose, complement, and expand the sound of Flow Diverter.

So turn out the lights, in One, Two…”

Mika Martini
(Director Pueblo Nuevo Netlabel)
(Santiago, Chile, september 2015)

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