Ars Sonor – Transient / Eternal

Ars Sonor – Transient / Eternal

Ars Sonor

“Transient / Eternal”

I’ve heard it all… “Why the hell did you come to this country? No one needs you here. Go back”. “Okay, maybe you deserve life here, but you don’t deserve love. You aren’t ready”. “I can be your friend and that’s what I can offer. A Facebook friend”. “You’re a nice addition to my news-feed, although I’m obviously not interested in you”. “You’re full of shit… I’m not letting you in, never. Take care of yourself”. No, it doesn’t work here like it’s used to work back in the higher dimensions. No. You’ve been sent here to act as a sponge for negativity. Taking in shit of others. No wonder you’d like to withdraw from the world completely. What does it offer you? Only pain. Suicide? Oh, yes, right… been there, done that. Many times. You know you can’t be destroyed. “Go back to your misery. Nice knowing you”. What are you going to do after de-cluttering? The only answer is stillness. Being completely still… Purification. Healing rain. Self-isolation, of course, but no more self-flagellation. And yes, the recording is rough. Very rough, and created mostly in a status of “illegal alien”, in 2013. Is it only me who’s seeing irony here big time? Do I really pass as an Earthling?
…most of the tracks were created using a fan heater, voice, tapping of my fingers and few field recordings, during wintertime. In a trailer.
-20 C temperature. Only one small heater… Still alive.

Winter is transient. Nature is eternal.
Emptiness is transient. Energy is eternal.
Suffering is transient. Love is eternal.
Your body and your presence here is transient.
You are eternal. And you know that already.

‪#‎drone‬ ‪#‎ambient‬ ‪#‎awakening‬ ‪#‎lettinggo‬