Massimo Ruberti – Granchite Yumtruso PT 1

Massimo Ruberti – Granchite Yumtruso PT 1

Massimo Ruberti

“Granchite Yumtruso PT 1”

Nostress Netlabel proudly presents “Granchite Yumtruso PT. 1”, the new album by Massimo Ruberti, from Livorno (Italy). An artist who likes to call himself “trafficker of sounds and images” now considered one of the label’s flagship artists. The album will be released exclusively for the upcoming second edition of the Netlabel Day, a considerable important event organized by the Chilean netlabel M.I.S.T. which will take place July 14 and involving Netlabels from around the world. Will take place at the endless web areas and there will be a collective exchange of unreleased and original music, that will bring enrichment in the archives of all those who participate in this beautiful and important initiative. Massimo Ruberti will bring high the banner of Nostress Netlabel with the publication of the first part of an EP extremely complex and sophisticated, that catapults the listener into distant and forgotten times. A work that requires careful listening and that will see the closure of a circle as soon as possible, through the publication of the second part. “Granchite Yumtruso PT. 1” it’s an album in warm and elegant sounds, scratching the heart and soul of the listener. A work that runs through wilderness, unexplored and never trodden by human. Through listening we find ourselves in a desert devoid of its characteristic and constant wind, driving on non-existent paths, you suddenly find yourself in an oasis where the perspective changes and even the sand seems to take on the color of the sky and thirst suddenly becomes the ‘ last of the primary needs. The Sax caressing soft carpets of Synth, nocturnal atmospheres through the time gap that separates the vintage from the traditional electronic sound. Four songs that lead the listener to dive into the wonderful atmosphere created by Ruberti, starting from the cover depicting a Vedic text 5000 years ago to the intoxicating beauty of sound that will, without a doubt, to a new relistening of the album.
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