Svann Langguth – Drei- und Vierstimmige Interventionen & Polymorphe Vivisektion

Svann Langguth – Drei- und Vierstimmige Interventionen & Polymorphe Vivisektion
[wuerfel 19]

Svann Langguth

“Drei- und Vierstimmige Interventionen & Polymorphe Vivisektion”

Over a couple of months, Svann Langguth soldered numerous electronic tone and noise generators and finally packed them in lunch boxes (Tupperware, anyone?). Therein, boards with the following chips are used:

40106 Schmitttrigger / 4093 Quad NAND / 4006 18-stage Shift Register / 555 Timer IC

The recordings are experiments with DIY tone and noise generators, with Svann working systematically, exploring the unique features of the specific circuits of his lunchboxes on a track-by-track basis.

Track titles should be understood according to this classification, and consequently also the separation into part A and B. A number of rhythmical and enriched Bass’n’Noise tracks are mixed in between pure complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor tracks.

The release is conceived as a classic double album, with two covers, two titles and two chronologies regarding the tracks on the respective album. Please consider these chronologies.

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