[wuerfel 19]
free music | creative commons music | Business Is Not My Music
40106 Schmitttrigger / 4093 Quad NAND / 4006 18-stage Shift Register / 555 Timer IC
The recordings are experiments with DIY tone and noise generators, with Svann working systematically, exploring the unique features of the specific circuits of his lunchboxes on a track-by-track basis.
Track titles should be understood according to this classification, and consequently also the separation into part A and B. A number of rhythmical and enriched Bass’n’Noise tracks are mixed in between pure complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor tracks.
The release is conceived as a classic double album, with two covers, two titles and two chronologies regarding the tracks on the respective album. Please consider these chronologies.
At this site many netlabels are posting their new free releases. Please visit the home pages of the labels to get the free music. The most of the files are published under a creative commons licence.
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