Ant The Symbol – You Are Here: Downtown

Ant The Symbol – You Are Here: Downtown

Ant The Symbol

“You Are Here: Downtown”

Back at the end of August, Ant The Symbol sent me a few new songs to check out. I downloaded them and listened… like, whoa! I instantly felt that the seven songs I was listening to were the most inspired that he’d created thus far, as The Symbol. Of course I had to release them, so that you can enjoy, too.

With You Are Here: Downtown Ant manages to take his downtempo sound into new territory. In doing so, he has moments that reminds you of Aphex Twin and others that could be what Art of Noise would sound like if they tried to make music like him. Moments of humor, adventure, bliss and beauty all come together in an immediate and addictive set. IMO, he’s hit the nail on the head… HIS sound has been defined… maybe he’ll surprise us with more goodies in the coming months? I sure hope so. In the meantime, enjoy this EP. Wear out your hard-drives, playing it.

Please Ant, don’t hurt ’em! Jeebus, man… this was an ill surprise. I think the kids are gonna dig it.

Of course, thanks once again to you for downloading & listening. We always strive to deliver the music you’ll love. Please spread the word about blocSonic, if you enjoy what we do. Remember… everything we release is cool to share! Always keep the music moving… share it… blog it… podcast it! If you’re in radio… support independent music and broadcast it!

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