Astma and IOIOI – St. Petersburg/Yaroslavl (live 2013)

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Astma and IOIOI
St. Petersburg/Yaroslavl (live 2013) [0kbps110]
ASTMA and IOIOI live at ESG 21 (2013)
ASTMA and IOIOI live at Teplo (Yaroslavl 21.09.13)
Astma: Olga Nosova: drums, voice, electronics.
Alexey Borisov: guitar, bass, voice, electronics.
IOIOI (Cristiana Fracitelli): guitar, effects, voice.
Played and recorded at ESG21 (SPB) and “Teplo” art space (Yaroslavl).
Special thanks: Andrey, Boris, Sasha, Polina and all people who helped to organise these concerts…
Artwork by Tommaso Busatto
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