Charles Antony and The Outsiders – Always Outside

Charles Antony and The Outsiders – Always Outside

Charles Antony and The Outsiders

“Always Outside”

Charles Antony : poetry and voice
Mauro Sambo : electronics, double bass on Caravan
Paulo Chagas : oboe, monochord on Fearing the Rainbow
Rogelio Nobara : pre-hispanic whistle for funeral, field recording and electric guitar on Going Home
Juan Antonio Nieto : electronics on Orpheus (Eurydice’s Lament)
Matthias Boss : violin on Change
Jeff Gburek : no-input mixing board, objects on Pipes
.zigo : field recordings and electronics on The Silver Dreamers
Jose Guillén : piano, sinthesizer and electronics on Children of the Mist
Atilio Doreste : field recordings, radio emission on Sunflowers
A.L. Guillén : field recordings, acoustic guitar on Driftwood
José Soberanes : electronics (modular synth) and field recordings on Bees
PCCL : virtual synthesizers, melodica, acoustic guitar and processed objects on A Rose in a Teacup
Javier Piñango : synthesizer (korg ms-20) and effects on Mapping the Stars
Stefan Schmidt : digital manipulation of the original voice recording on He Lied
Pablo Reche : electronics on The Folding of the Flag
David Vélez : music on Apples
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