eww – Maddest Sanity

eww – Maddest Sanity


“Maddest Sanity”

What happens when a human being spends his whole life in a cave without contact to the outer world and after going out the first thing he does is music? Something like this album happens. It’s mad because beats and melodies are mad – one moment they are drifting far away like a foggy dream, the next moment they are coming back and walk towards you on their massive wolfram pillars. But they’re sane because everything is well structured. Even the seemingly insane rhythmic structures of Innner Peece are quite simple at heart.

Isn’t it too simple? Made with a 10 year old software from basic 10 year old samples? Consider it like a fossil from times when the Matrix was still something new and sensational, and everyone was still listening to trance, not psytrance – the original trance. Like a can with a sample of air conserved with those moments.

Every track is a separate composition, every track has its own unique sound and mood, consider this album a compilation of 10 different stories. And even more – each of them has its own hand-drawn artwork which also is an anachronism in this computer graphic ruled world. Artworks are like impressions that pop into an abstract mind after listening to the sounds.

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