O.L.M. – Book of Daniel

O.L.M. – Book of Daniel


“Book of Daniel”

It was around 2,600 years ago when a Judean teenager was taken captive by the rapidly ascending Babylonian Empire, a force of unstoppable military strength, great wealth and technological advancement. Normally such an event would lead to a life in misery as a slave … but God had something else in mind for this young man named Daniel.

Daniel, The teenager who had been taken captive, came to realize that God was miraculously working with him … but not only to preserve his life. God was revealing through him some major prophecies of future world-ruling empires. As a resident of the world’s premier capital city and AS an honored wise man in King Nebuchadnezzar’s court, Daniel demonstrated God’s superiority over the pagan gods of Babylon and left a legacy of faithful obedience to God in spite of grave trials and tribulations.

Inspired by the Old Testament book, Italian producer Orlando La Montagna adapts the story of Daniel and transforms it into a dub adventure, introducing different variations of the same riddim just like the different chapters of the book. Each track has a deep spiritual ambience; starting with “Induction in Babylon” where Daniel is introduced in the hard Babylonian system through a stepper-techno beat and ending with “Life Giver”, which sends the final message to our permissive society of power-hungry people … to a nation without God. Daniel’s situation in Babylon sounds quite a bit like our own, doesn’t it?

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