Luka Prinčič
“Albatross EP “
I cannot hide the desire that this music would perhaps be heard beyond from what it was made for at first. That it should be thought without the missing component which it was made to harmonize with, to be a support to. It’s a standalone. Or so I wish. It irrevocably connects to its past, to its sources. Many threads have been drawn from many spindles to knit it. Some were planned, some not. Some were conscious, some not. And then there’s also an atmosphere. A socio-sonic environment. It’s where the listener comes in with all her baggage. And joining happens – through very particular nodes: those who moved to it, those who pressed buttons so it became a recording, those who thought about it and searched for moves, those who organized the sounds, bodies, reflections, feed-backs, and experiences. And then, reaching the ears and auditory cortex the music reorganizes itself again. Thus, it has an irrevocable future, and more resonance.
Albatrosses: it’s how they looked like, how they moved. It’s how they were called, how they named themselves and carried that name proudly.
I’m grateful to: Maja, Urška, 4H of 2016/17 SVŠGL class, Igor, Tina, Matjaž, my Patreon patrons, Emanat, SVŠGL, Iljus Wifmo, The Internet, Little Simz, and Dmitri Shostakovich.
released July 31, 2017
written and produced by Luka Prinčič
piano and theme by Matjaž Predanič (1,2 and 7)
mastering by Igor Vuk
illustration by Emma Lazauski
design by Tina Ivezić