Rich Sudney – Parading Out The Devil

Rich Sudney – Parading Out The Devil

Rich Sudney

“Parading Out The Devil”

He who is in his late thirties, stares out into the open vast waters of northern lake Michigan. Blue sky above him reminds him of past wilderness adventures, hiking, camping, enjoying the company of no-one else but his solitude. As the ferry boat rocks ever so gently with each wave, his stare becomes hypnotic in the anticipation of traveling to a different world then he’s used to. From the cluttered exhausted saturated air of the motor city to the crisp clean everything of those islands in the middle of this lake. Traveling on a whim, spontaneous plans of going to meet and shake hands with his fears are all in the back of his mind. “You can plan for everything under the sun. But you’ll never plan for that banana peel you’ll slip on” he recalls from reading mystic literature. “I know I’ll make it” saying to himself in a reassuring vibe. Carefully planning every spot, step and strategy to get to a small island by kayak for months now. “Just remember the banana peel!”

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