Fabio Keiner – BLACK RAIN

Fabio Keiner – BLACK RAIN

Fabio Keiner


Fabio Keiner explores the landscape of the post-nuclear fallout of Nagasaki and Hiroshima on Black Rain.

In the days following the United States bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II, the residents were left to deal with the fallout from the devices. Nuclear fallout is commonly known as Black Rain. Fabio Keiner has recorded a series of works that looks at the exposure to radioactive fallout in terms of ambiguous time perspective. The X on Black Rain could be interpreted as days, weeks or even months.

Fabio Keiner hails from Vienna, Austria. He creates musical pieces and photographs. His credits include his contribution to the soundtrack to the 2015 award winning short film “Reformation” by director Hoyon Jung.

Active in the netlabel scene for years, his soundscapes, melodies and drones criss-cross the borders among ambient, dark ambient, abstract experimental and melodic electronica. His work is atmospheric and imaginative, with a sound that seems narrative without quite telling specific stories in defined words. His releases have appeared on numerous labels, including Treetrunk Netlabel, Webbed Hand Netlabel, Petroglyph Music, and Cian Orbe netlabel.

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