M.A.K.T. Sono – If you were a clarinet

M.A.K.T. Sono – If you were a clarinet

M.A.K.T. Sono

“If you were a clarinet”

M.A.K.T. Sono – Magali Albespy and Kecap Tuyul – was created in february 2018 from a common taste for improvisation forms that rely more on indetermination and surprise than on the mastering of instrumental skills. They both use electronic tools whose complex settings can generate unexpected sound events and unstable situations. Their first album “If you were a clarinet” consists of 3 selections of slightly edited improvisations recorded in february and march 2018. These improvisation sessions were an opportunity for them to set up their working methodologies and to experiment playful and meditative dialogs between gesture & sound, activity and inactivity, machines and living creatures.

Magali Albespy is a dancer and performer. She likes to question the borders between formats and artistic disciplines. She explores real-time composition with body, video and sound.
Self-taught improviser Kecap Tuyul uses various (and preferably unstable) tools, looking for ways of playing and interacting (with sounds, with other media, with other people) and questionning the traditional ideas of instrumental mastership and composition.

Magali Albespy : moog mother 32, soundbox
Kecap Tuyul: no-input mixer, effects, mix and artwork

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