Giant Gutter From Outer Space – Charred Memories

Giant Gutter From Outer Space – Charred Memories

Giant Gutter From Outer Space

“Charred Memories “

TERR104: The drums-and-bass duo Giant Gutter From Outer Space are back here to tell what’s what with a 6-track ball of fire inspired by suppressed traumas of those affected by the authoritarianism and brutalities committed by the Brazilian State – particularly in the 60’s-80’s.

Recorded in late 2017, the duo broaden their pioneering sound with bits from modular synthesizer territory, courtesy of Curitiba black metal artist Nahtaivel. “Charred Memories” is presented on Terranean Recordings with an exclusive battered mix and graphic design by Luke Lund.

This is a co-release between Sinewave, HNM and MuteAnt Sounds. The original mix is available from them.

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