Salis / Sanna / Pili – Choke

Salis / Sanna / Pili – Choke

Salis / Sanna / Pili


Giacomo Salis: Percussion, objects
Paolo Sanna: Percussion, objects
Stanislas Pili: Percussion, objectsRecorded at P@SoundWorkshop, Sardara ( Cagliari), july / august 2017
Mixed and mastered Carlo Barbagallo (Noja Recordings) , May 2018 (Torino)

All music improvised by Salis, Sanna, Pili

Giacomo Salis / Paolo Sanna Percussion duo meets Stanislas Pili, a percussionist with a classical-contemporary background. The result is a visionary and deep dialogue, where standard and extended tecniques are used to play different percussion. The non – idiomatic free improvisation and the post free european school are the foundations of the trio’s sound research.

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