Montague Armstrong – Hammond Hits

Montague Armstrong – Hammond Hits

Montague Armstrong

“Hammond Hits”

Imagine a world where the sounds of sixties testcard music and the sort of music played between working mens’ clubs acts had been picked up by aliens and then sent back to earth for an intergalactic knees-up around the Hammond organ….
Difficult? It may not have been Montague Armstrong’s intention, but that’s what this delightful, effervescent concoction of tunes makes me think of. Jude Cowan Montague’s effortlessly cheerful tunes and Matt Armstrong’s always immaculately well-placed electric bass make this an unusual, but definitely desirable item from Linear Obsessional and also marks the third release in LinOb’s new Cassette Imprint series.Released as a professionally duplicated cassette with a picture by Katy Binks and design by David Little,and as a free/name-your-price download.

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