What are two years? Not much time, a lot of time. It is time. 730 days. 17520 hours. It’s more than the run time of a video game, it could be the entirety of a lifetime.
In this last month of August, NOUNOUHAU celebrated its two year anniversary. For us it is little time and so much time – at the same time. And in that time, time time time time.
We did a lot in two years and its hard to explicit it all in one text. It was a journey, it still is, always mutating and constantly evolving – with one foot at creation and the other at self-discovery, in a public fashion – work in progress style.
Now, two years is a numeric value, so let’s celebrate our numbers. All of our 23 releases present in our bandcamp, from singles to entire albums. Releases from more than 11 different artists. All of them with their work on our youtube, which has over 60 videos – ranging from video clips, lyrics, what-have-you. And how to forget our events? Three distinct events that—
Wait? Who cares about numbers? Or… does everybody cares about numbers?