InO – Magali Albespy
These recordings can be considered as documents of this practice. Indeed they are such documents, especially for people who were involved in the sessions. But we think that they also have a fragile and surprising beauty of their own that deserve an independent life for your listening. This unexpected musicality has been discreetly stressed by the editing choices, which we can consider like a delicate work of “a posteriori composition”, a work made with respect for the uniqueness of each sound event and their kind of abstract narrative power. That’s why we hope that you will enjoy these atypical works.
Credits :
Recorded and edited by Magali Albespy.
Pictures by Anne-Catherine Nicoladzé (front cover) and Emmanuelle Huchet (back cover)
Featured performers :
Magali Albespy, Jean Bloch-Laroque, Suzanne Cotto, Antoine Freychet, Chloé Garat, Flora Gaudin, Camilla Gliozzi, Virgine Gouband, Emmanuelle Huchet, Paul Kauffmann, Guillaume Lecamus, Laurence Luminet, Blandine Minot, Stéphanie Moitrel, Martine Muffat-Joly, Anne-Catherine Nicoladzé, Olivier Pelletier, Stéphanie Puechavy, Regina Ramsl, Anne Savelli, Kecap Tuyul, Donata d’Urso, Sig Valax, Mandoline Whittlesey
Magali Albespy is a dancer and performer. She likes to question the borders between formats and artistic disciplines. She explores real-time composition with body, video and sound. As a musician, she also plays in M.A.K.T. Sono and Mesce Basse.