Origami Repetika – Red Zamboni

Origami Repetika – Red Zamboni

Origami Repetika

“Red Zamboni “

=- I sing a lot in this one.. moreso than in any of my previous releases. Most likely personal reflection reasons. I’m about to turn 39 soon and begin my 40th year of life. Red Zamboni was the second track of this family of songs recorded and I like it so much that I made a music video for it and sent it in to VideoRecords.ch. It’s different than the other four songs in that it didn’t receive any vocals, nevertheless, it’s in the same family as it was created the same way (arranging the chord progressions in chordbot on android then dropping them into renoise on pc where I do the recording, tracking, and rendering) as the other four. So instead of making Red Zamboni its own single and the four remaining songs an ep, I just decided to make it one ep altogether.

Every ice hockey arena needs a zamboni they can count on. And not just count on. One they can spell on too. Life isn’t always about numbers.

Red Zamboni by Origami Repetika is now avl on sub65 archive.org/details/s65010
#sub65media #easylistening #postpunk #melodramatic #lobit

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