The perfect failure (?) – The perfect failure (?) vol. 6 : Imperfect failures

The perfect failure (?) – The perfect failure (?) vol. 6 : Imperfect failures

The perfect failure (?)

“The perfect failure (?) vol. 6 : Imperfect failures”

Even bad things come to an end! This is the 6th and last volume of the perfect failure (?) / l’échec parfait (?). I must admit I failed to find any real or perfect failure among all the sounds submitted. Each of them inspired me for building interesting sound blocks, imagining new composition tactics, blurring the distinction between what I can find “good” or “bad” – although I won’t deny that many of these sounds were somehow headache-inducing when played on repeat while working on this 5 hours long mix. Will you love-hate all these “Imperfect failures” as much as I did while patiently gathering them during 7 years?
Many thanks to all the contributors who trusted me enough to send their secret / questionable material : 3/2, A.D. du nord, Ayato, Benoît Rouits, Charles premier, Cocotte Sapiens, David Pomlait, Doedelzak, Extrasystole, Gavin Prior, Half Evidence, Hellsings, Janne Nummela, Jules Valentin, The Kiriks, Luxalove, M.A.K.T. Sono, Mata-Hari, Natalia Kamia, Onde Poussière, Philippe Desclais, psph.S, Siu, tay_ploops, Torbill, Xavier Mussat, XtetX Ensemble, Yoshiwaku, 3HNT– and some anonymous people. I shamelessly contributed to this with some of the worst recordings of my solo projects Kecap Tuyul and Failure Circle.
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