Federico Schumacher – Lo Inquietante

Federico Schumacher – Lo Inquietante

Federico Schumacher

“Lo Inquietante”

(The Acousmatic Musical Experience & The Uncanny)
Federico Schumacher Ratti (Editor)By Miguel Vera-Cifras.

The work we are presenting today is part of a process of research, creation and listening carried out by a team of researchers, collaborators, and auditors, under the direction of the faculty of Psychology at the Universidad Diego Portales. An initiative that involved numerous people, including those who ultimately worked on the final design of the written document, its translation into English, and on the features that extend this process beyond the text.

This represents an interdisciplinary work, published under a Creative Commons license, whose hybrid imprint includes a book, a recording, and a web presence. Three channels of action and circulation mutually nourish one other. A printed book, also in PDF digital version. A CD featuring the musical creation entitled “Lo Inquietante” (The Uncanny) by Federico Schumacher, who also serves as a researcher and editor of the book. And, finally, a playlist of acousmatic musical pieces by the same author, uploaded to the Pueblo Nuevo website, where they can be visited in a manner that is personalized and free. Hence, there are three ways in which the reader, listener and navigator are summoned jointly to read, listen and participate, either by introducing themselves to the theoretical discussions, by listening to the accompanying musical creation, or by immersing themselves freely in the playlist that extends the format of the book to unprecedented reconfigurations yet to come…

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