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A.d.du.nord is a musician who doesn’t work in a particular style but is guided by ideas of the moment without feeling compelled to maintain a single sound aesthetic. His first releases have been a few minimalist drone tracks published in 2018. He now aims to create some kind of “post-music” that is “strange and dysfunctional”. In short, a.d.du.nord is a project for free experimentation, where everything is possible.
Sana Grano is some kind of mixtape that gathers ten one minute long improvised sequences created with granular synthesis tools. The choice of samples was purely intuitive, and the results are partially aleatory. But if you listen between the lines, you may find reminscences of dub and afrobeat.
At this site many netlabels are posting their new free releases. Please visit the home pages of the labels to get the free music. The most of the files are published under a creative commons licence.
The old message board: 2004-2011.
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