Doedelzak – ilypd

Doedelzak – ilypd



A few months after the lovely P8 phase 3, our regular contributor Doedelzak comes back with another longform composition using an hybrid methodology and taking inspiration from various musical aesthetics. Ilpyd is subtle and catchy, hypnotic and surprising in the same time.

Notes by the artist
“Ilypd was created partially through algorithms, with a slow and alsmot imperceptible evolution. Though, there is a big change between the beginning and the end.
Although there are small internal changes, the evolution of the global structure is strictly continuous. The perception of changes (and notably the perception of acceleration) may appear intermittently as if on particular moments the listener’s mind was suddenly creating the image of a new step being crossed, but ilypd is perpetually changing.
Ilypd can be listened in one go, or on the contraty intermittently. It is not necessary to hear it from the beginning, nor until the end.
Inspiration for this work came from traditional African music, Gamelan, and Steve Reich. This is a musical material more than a composition – and I simply wanted to make this material beautiful”

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