Origami Repetika – Feathers Blown Away

Origami Repetika  – Feathers Blown Away

[GT1121 ]

Origami Repetika

“Feathers Blown Away “

‘Feathers Blown Away’ is the 8th single on the Genetic Trance netlabel. Kinda has an adult contemporary kind of feel to my ears so that’s what I wrote into the ogg tag. I like this one a lot.. though my volunteer production advisors (renoise forums/discord) have since graciously pointed out it has some muddy lows–and it does at least in my car’s speaker at higher volumes..I may go back and fix it for the album of singles or if I make another renoise playback vid. but there’s a chance I might not since it already sounds great on headphones. Regardless, one of my favorite among the recent bunch. I’m thankful for how it turned out.
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