Podarces – Frozen Journeys

Podarces – Frozen Journeys


“Frozen Journeys”

Under the Podarces pseudonym Benoît Rouits (who also plays oboe in Jukpic ) creates experimental improvised music with keyboards. Last year he made us discover one of his old works : “A Frozen Journey”, made in 2009 with virtual synthesizers and inspired by some writings of Philip K. Dick. We enjoyed this album a lot and although it undoubtedly stands on its own we felt its minimalist abstraction could make it a very interesting material to incorporate in new works. We made this suggestion to Benoît and some other collaborators and aquaintances who agreed and accepted to contribute remixes of what is now called “Frozen Journeys”, featuring the original tracks as well as remixes by Humanfobia, Human Koala, Nina Kardec, Anastatsia Vronski, Kecap Tuyul, Nicolas Tourney, Sig Valax, Filmy Ghost, Yann Pillas, Thomas Park, Luciftias, Doedelzak.
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