[Macaque 004]
Gilman Mom – A Trilogy of Perspective art book

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With physical copies of A Trilogy of Perspective running low, Macaque Records is pleased to announce that Gilman Mom is releasing a digital version of the compilation. Digital copies include a brand new digital booklet, digital packaging artwork, and the entire discography of Gilman Mom with a remastered edition of Manifest Destiny complete with an extended version of track “Houndstooth”.
Experience an ocular version of Gilman Mom’s abstract epic, A Trilogy of Perspective. A digital art book documenting the journey’s prose. This saga allows you to viscerally enter the mind of a boy becoming a man. Adolescence conquered by the seething truth. Confusion and depression becomes deconstructed and molded into self-reliance and environmental adulation.
Enter the ears of Gilman Mom, feel their journey.
Get it for free on Issuu!
Musical version available at gilmanmom.bandcamp.com or macaquerecords.com
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